Reasons to Choose ABSBI For Home Inspector TrainingAdvantages of ABSBI Training
1. Most of our training is online. With online home inspector training, you can go at your own speed. If you understand a concept, you can just keep moving ahead. If not, spend as much time on it as you like on the topic until you understand it. Class members aren't slowing you down or forcing you ahead.
2. There are no travel costs with online courses. You complete the course in the convenience of your own home, saving you hundreds of dollars. 3. With online courses, there is no missed work or income. You can still go to your job and work on the training material in your spare time at home. 4. You can work on the courses at times that "work" for you. Some people prefer learning first thing in the morning, while others do better in the evening. 5. We bring the equivalent of hundreds of homes to you on video. It is doubtful you will ever see this many scenes and defects sitting in a classroom. Most people do better learning visually. 6. We show our prices on our website . Some companies make you call in and listen to a high pressure sales pitch before they tell you the prices. On top of that, they often don't tell you about the hidden costs you encounter as you go through their courses. 7. With the Texas Course, you receive the National Home Inspector Examination (NHIE) manuals. The NHIE test is used by Texas and most other states. 8. Our courses are reasonably priced, especially our Texas courses. In March of 2021 when Texas reduced the number of required hours from 394 to 194, we appear to be the only provider to reduce Texas prices. Thank you for reading our reasons for choosing A Better School of Building Inspection. Let us know how we can help you become a Home Inspector when you use our building inspector school.